Scholarship Application - The Deacon Pat McKenzie Scholarship is now available for higher education. Application
The Parish Office is open
Monday -Thursday 9 AM - 1 PM
Friday 9 AM - 12 PM
Phone: 970-731-5744
Pope John Paul II Catholic Church
353 South Pagosa Blvd.
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
New Parishioner Registration
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you find everything you're looking for and invite you to join us for Mass or one of our events. Our parish is open to all and we cannot wait to meet you and your family as we seek the Lord together.
The Catholic Church was established by Jesus Christ in the first century and today is the largest Christian faith community on earth.
For more information go to our resources page or call the church office at 970-731-5744.
455 Lewis Street
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Parish office mailing address:
353 S. Pagosa Blvd.
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish was dedicated in May 1949 and served as a mission of Sacred Heart in Durango and Mass was celebrated once a month. Father Bernard Rotger was designated as the permanent pastor from 1951 to 1963 and returned in 1966 and remained at IHM until September 1976, when Father John Bowe replaced Father Rotger. Father John served the Catholic Community in Pagosa Springs and its missions until 1989. Father John temporarily left IHM to become Provincial Supervisor of the Northern American Theatines. He returned to Pagosa Springs in October 1991 where he remained until 2004.
353 South Pagosa Blvd.
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Father Carlos Alvarez began his service on October 1, 2004. He was given the task of presenting a 50-year growth plan to the Bishop of Pueblo. With numerous interviews and forums, Father developed plans for a new Catholic Church. The new church was consecrated as Pope John Paul II on March 24, 2009.
St. John the Baptist
29578 County Road 500
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
(16 miles down Cat Creek Road in Pagosa Junction, CO)
Feast Day is June 24
Mayordomo: Carrie and Joe Espinosa at 970-946-3138
The present church, built on a hillside above the now abandoned railroad yards, is the third in a line of Catholic Churches built to serve the needs of the people in the Pagosa Junction area. Two previous churches built near the San Juan River had been washed away in floods. The first church was built in 1911 and the present one was dedicated in 1927.
St. James
14642 CR 500
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
(13 miles south on County Road 500 (Trujillo Road) in Trujillo, CO)
Feast Day is July 25
Mayordomo: Ben and Lupita Gallegos 970-264-2319
This first mission church was built in 1908 and was used until 1916 when the present church was built. The mission has its own cemetery which is located just south of the church.St. Francis
8329 Hwy 151
Frances, CO
Directions: 9-miles South on Hwy 151 from junction of Hwy 151 and Hwy 160.
Feast Day is October 4
Floriann Gallegos 970-883-2448
The original church was dedicated in 1914 but was unfortunately burned down in October 1915. The church bell was salvaged from the fire. A new church was constructed about 3 miles away and was dedicated in October in 1917. In the 1990s, parishioners and volunteers replaced the roof and stabilized the walls. The original cemetery dates back to 1909.
Chromo Mission Station
Mayordomo: Sandy Bramwell 970-264-5959
Originally a one-room schoolhouse, built in 1922 and used as a school until 1955. This Mission Station has served for religious services since 1923.
Parish Council
Doug PurcellBoth weekend Masses at JPII can also be heard on JPII Radio at 93.5 FM! (Must be within 2 miles of the Church.)
Inspired and strengthened by the Sacraments, Scripture and Liturgy, we are a vibrant, diverse Roman Catholic community called to serve as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ in our lives and ministries. With our Blessed Mother to guide us, we strive to be a beacon of faith and a spiritual home to all who seek God. [Empowered by the Eucharist, GO make disciples!]