Altar Guild
By joining the Altar Guild, you will be among a group of dedicated volunteers that oversee altar linens, flowers, and decorations. For more information, contact the Church Office at 970-731-5744.
Altar Servers
Become part of the Mass by living your faith in serving at the Altar for Mass. We invite all who have made their First Communion, including our youth, to consider this call for service to Our Lord. Reach out to the Church office at 970-731-5744 for more information.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Do you have a calling and commitment to Jesus Christ in the Eucharist? Join fellow parishioners in assisting Father in the distribution of Communion and the Precious Blood at any of our Masses. As an EEM, you will be trained and must be commissioned every year. For more information, reach out to [email protected].
Proclaim the Word of God! Join those called to be part of the Liturgy of the Word through reading the Scriptures at any of our Masses. To become a Lector, reach out to [email protected].
If you are musically gifted through song or in playing a musical instrument, please consider joining the choir or music ministry. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Become one of the first to greet and assist parishioners and guests as they arrive to Mass. Also assist with the collection of offertory during Mass. To learn more about how you can get involved, reach out to the Church office at 970-731-5744.
See the full ministry list below.
If you are close to Jesus with knowledge of His teachings, please prayerfully reflect on helping lead RCIA or RCIC. For more information, email [email protected].
RE Catechist
Put your knowledge and passion for our Catholic Faith into action by catechizing our youth through our Sunday Religious Education program or through assisting run family events. If you are a practicing Catholic with the call to teach the next generation, email [email protected] for more information.
Youth Group Cook
Do you like to cook? We have hungry teens! Join our food mentors by planning and providing meals for our bi-monthly high school youth group gatherings. Email [email protected] for more information.
Youth Group Mentor
If you are called to serve the next generation of our Parish, please consider joining our ABLAZE High School Youth Group mentors. As a mentor, you will be partnering with parishioners who are dedicated to our teens, by means of regular get-togethers, service opportunities, and conferences. Contact [email protected] for more information.
See the full ministry list below.
Want to get involved and have fun at the same time? Proceeds from the Bingo Ministry go towards general operating costs of the Church. Volunteers assist with calling games, working concessions, and many other tasks. To get involved, email [email protected].
Food Pantry
The food pantry is open on Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and is always in need of more volunteers. Help prepare food boxes, stock shelves, and assist with distribution. For more information, email [email protected].
Friends and Neighbors in Need
Provides emergency support to friends and neighbors in need. Includes food cards, gas, home visits, etc. Provides support to Las Guadalapanas. [email protected]
Healing Ministry
The Healing Ministry is intended to provide guidance, support and healing for those who are struggling with trials in their lives. This ministry focuses on fostering the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our parishioners. Topics will include addictions, depression, anxiety, grief, marriage and spirituality. Meets on Wednesdays in the Adoration Chapel from 1:00 - 2:00 PM to pray with each other or over people who are in need of prayer. Coordinator Audrey Hockman [email protected].
Would you like to visit those who are unable to attend Mass at home or in nursing homes? Find out more about visiting the homebound by emailing [email protected].
Knights of Columbus
Men, as young as 18-years old, are invited to put their Faith into action by joining the Knights of Columbus through fellowship and service. The Fraternity of Christian brothers meet every third Thursday in the JPII Narthex at 6:30 PM. For more information, email [email protected].
Las Guadalupanas
Las Guadalapanas is a bereavement ministry. Based on the needs of the bereaved family, the ministry provides for a Rosary (Spanish or English), lectors (Spanish or English), Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers, and buffet reception. For more information, reach out to [email protected].
Prayer Line
To join the prayer line or to submit a prayer request, email [email protected].
Queen of Peace Rosaries
Through Mary's call at Fatima to pray the Rosary daily, the ministry makes and distributes rosaries to all who want them. To obtain a rosary or to join the ministry, email [email protected].
Quilting Ministry
Whether you can sew or not, if you want a creative way to give back to those who are sick or injured, this might be the perfect ministry for you! Prayer quilts are created and prayed over for those who need comfort, are recovering and/or in need of healing. To learn more about their bi-monthly gatherings, email [email protected].
See the full ministry list below.
ABLAZE High School Youth Group
ABLAZE is a chance for high schoolers to break away from the stresses of being a teenager and become who God has called them to be. We meet the first and third Wednesdays from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the JPII Narthex, in addition to service opportunities and outings. High Schoolers are encouraged to join fellow teens for faith, food, friends, fun, and fellowship. Email [email protected] for more information. Register here!
Altar Servers
All children who have received their First Communion are invited to be trained as an Altar Server. This is a wonderful way to deepen their love of their Christ through the Eucharist. To learn more about the training process, reach out to Deacon Mark at [email protected].
Religious Education and RCIC
RE and OCIC (formerly RCIC) meets Sunday after the 9:00 AM Mass. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Register for RE here!
Youth Mass
With Pope Francis' message that "Young people are the face of the Church's future," all youth are invited to be part of the monthly Youth Mass. Held at 9:00 AM every Second Sunday of the month at Pope John Paul II Catholic Church, the Mass allows our Youth to take an active role in serving Our Lord. Youth are trained before taking on roles such as greeters, lectors, Altar servers, and more. To get your child involved, reach out to [email protected].
"Children! Children!" "Friends of Jesus!"
See the full ministry list below.
Deepening the Faith
Looking to dive deeper into the Catholic Faith? Consider joining fellow parishioners sharing the same goal by attending Deepening the Faith. Deepening the Faith meets on Mondays at 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the JPII Narthex. Email questions to Mel and Darlene Cassio with at [email protected] or just show up!
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
If you are hearing the call to become Catholic, RCIA will help you delve deeper into understanding the Catholic Faith. Catechists leading RCIA will share their personal journey with focus on the Gospels, Catholic Christian teaching, Christian values and morality, and the development of a life of prayer. More than a course of instruction, RCIA is a process of individual conversion. For schedule and to learn more about RCIA, contact Augusta Happ at [email protected].
See the full ministry list below.
Men's Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship is an opportunity for men to share their faith through bible study, support, and a personal relationship with Christ. Whether you are a full-time parishioner or visitor, you are welcome to attend. We gather in Christ’s presence in an atmosphere of trust and prayerfully support one another. Men’s Fellowship meets on Tuesday evenings after the 5:15 PM Mass. For more information contact Deacon Mark at [email protected].
Women's Fellowship
Las Guadalupanas
Las Guadalupanas is a bereavement ministry. Based on the needs of the bereaved family, the ministry provides for a Rosary (Spanish or English), lectors (Spanish or English), Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and buffet reception. For more information, reach out to [email protected]. Also email for more information on Our Lady of Guadalupe Society.See the full ministry list below.
Click the button to open and view the full ministry list.